Women@Imperial Week
Women@Imperial is an annual event that takes place around International Women’s Day (8 March). Over the course of a week we celebrate female staff and students at Imperial, past and present, and raise awareness of the support available in College for women. #imperialwomen
Women at Imperial College
Past, Present and Future
by Anne Barrett (Imperial College London, UK)

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WES, Women’s Engineering Society

The Women’s Engineering Society is a charity and a professional network of women engineers, scientists and technologists offering inspiration, support and professional development.
Women in Engineering 2018 update
In July 2018, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography added forty three new articles.
Twenty-six of the newly-added lives are of women. They include lives of women engineers who were active in the first half of the twentieth century, many of them founders or early members of the Women’s Engineering Society (1919). Their biographies have been curated by Anne Locker, Library and Archives Manager of the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Further information can be found here.