Women in STEM Wikithon

Join us to learn how to edit Wikipedia to tell the stories of women in STEM

Wednesday 9th March 2022, 14:00-16:00


Want to find out how to change the Internet so everyone can discover women in science, engineering and technology? This online workshop will show you how to edit and create content on Wikipedia to help tell the hidden stories of women in STEM.

You don’t need any previous experience and you don’t need to be an expert. We’ll demonstrate how to add forgotten women to the database and improve Wikipedia content by adding more information and links. And we’ll show you how to create new pages when you’re ready to do so.

This workshop is aimed at beginners, but everyone is welcome to attend and get involved.

If you’ve spotted an article that needs improvement, or have a subject in mind, please let us know.

This is an Imperial College event, in collaboration with the Institution of Engineering and Technology, the Women’s Engineering Society and Archives for London.

Eventbrite booking:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/women-in-stem-wikithon-tickets-265112266927